Monday, September 26, 2011

The research/writing process of my idea...

Describe the research/writing process (make a writing/research plan) you would use to complete the creative project we started in class.  Begin with the steps we covered [writing to a prompt, discussion with peers, clustering, talk with peers, freewriting (more talk) . . . .] and go from there.  You can use the pattern described in Pope's essay on composing "Teacher Training" - or you can write something that more characteristic of how you write & what you would do to get the best results.


The project I started in class was about a passed boyfriend who passed away in a car accident.  I had other ideas listed but I thought I was able to talk about this topic the most.  It is not like I am still dwelling but there are so many aspects of this topic that I could cover, I can write a research paper that would be 1,000 pages long.
This paper would not be about a person, but about everything that revolves around a person and terrible situation...kind of hard to explain...

  1. Writing a write about a hard time in my life, the strength I had to have in order to get through school and work, etc.), pro's and con's of a death (it is terrible to say), how this death made me a stronger person in general, what I learned from this experience, and how I have made it since.
  2. Discussion with peers, talk about ideas that might work/might not work.
  3. Clustering:  When I clustered in class today, I had so much to point out, I ran out of room.  
  4. Talk with peers about my clustering ideas.  What are important points?  What are points that should not be in this paper?  Are there any to leave out?  What can I add?
  5. Freewriting:  today, I was freewriting until my hand hurt; again, I had so much to write about.  When I was freewriting, I noticed that a story started to build and at the same time, my ideas were scattered but all came together at the end.  I would have to organize better later on.
  6. Some more talk about my freewriting.  How can I organize this freewrite in such a way that I can start my PAPER?
  7. Freewriting focus, where I would free write about my focus (to write about a hard time in my life, the strength I had to have in order to get through school and work, etc.), pro's and con's of a death (it is terrible to say), how this death made me a stronger person in general, what I learned from this experience, and how I have made it since.  
  8. Next, I would start 'getting out there' to research.  I would interview my parents, sister, and grandparents about my reactions during the grieving process since I do not remember much (this death happened 3 years ago).  I would also interview his mother.
  9. I could go to his grave or the accident site, this would bring back memories and true emotions to make the paper better.
  10. As for composing the research paper, once I got the appropriate research information, I would break up the different aspects of what I will be talking about in the paper.  Before each part of each aspect, I would do what Pope did, sort of.  I would use a quote or episode from the past that had to do with each different aspect of the research paper.
  11. Once I had what I think might be my final paper, I would definitely have peer review and workshop.  I would love to hear more about what people think of my final paper.  Can it be revised in a certain way that would make it better?  How?  I would get ideas and other people's opinions.  
I have a feeling this would be a great topic to write about.

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