Friday, November 11, 2011

Blog 16

The research project that I think I want to do is on Children Bedtime Stories.  I want to get information for someone who has read to their children and witnessed if their child became a good or bad read, what kind of reader... I want to research information from a person I probably will be INTERVIEWING as to whether or not reading to children helped them as reader's in general as the child was older.  I also would like to gain and gather information from people who did NOT read read bedtime stories to their children and how their children turned out as a reader in the future.  I want to study this in the home of the person who I will be gaining information from.  I will want to interview the person most likely, not sure yet.  I want to study this because I want to find out if depending on how much a person was read to as a child if it influenced and how much it might have influenced that child as he or she became an adult.  

I know my word usage is a bit confusing.  I THINK THINK THINK I know what I want to do, but I am not sure.  Maybe after some personal feedback from Pro. Chandler, I will be more set on ideas!  

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