Sunday, September 11, 2011


The first main point of this essay was to discuss how race, ethnicity, culture, and language could affect the way bi cultural people learn in classrooms daily.  I am not a bi cultural student, but I notice that in my classrooms, bi cultural students struggle more-not because they have problems understanding the assignment, but because the teacher/professor is not open minded and expect a paper to be written one way and one way only.  The students must stay in the box and not go out of it.  These bi cultural students know of different ways to write depending on what culture they are from; when they have an assignment to complete, they have to follow strict guidelines or else they receive a failing grade.  I knew that some bi cultural people had issues with writing but did not know that it is so wide spread that people (Moreno) are actually conducting studies for proof of how terrible and unfortunate it is for bi cultural students.  

Another main point in this essay is that many of the students want to have individuality during their everyday life-which is how it should be.  When writing, these people want to be able to express themselves through writing.  If it means that they write the way they were taught or the way they speak, so be it.  It is not that they do not know the proper way to write and speak, but this is the way he or she was brought up in his or her specific culture.  In a way, these bi cultural students are 'saving' their culture from becoming extinct.  Moreno states, "By reclaiming native languages that evolve over time, culture is created and hope for society is realized."  If these bi cultural students did not reclaim their native language, soon enough, it would become instinct.  Moreno also implies that without different languages and cultures, what is society?  By reclaiming languages and writing through individuality, it allows differences in people and society-which is a good thing.  Colleges and universities should not force American students and bi cultural students to write one way and one way only or else a failing grade will be given.  Also, Moreno states that even though we are all from different cultures, languages, ethnicities, etc, we all are able to communicate one way or another.  We are all equal individuals and should be treated with equal rights.  

Moreno's research method that she used was ethnographics, which is a research method she used.  She was the classroom leader as well as observing and putting information together in order to complete her research.  The analytic moves Moreno made was to put herself in another’s position.  For example, she focused much on one of her students name Raymundo.  One of her analytic moves was imagining what it was like through Raymundo's writing.

The method ethnographics is a good method to use to see what is happening first hand.  For example, teachers will be able to conduct research through ethnographics by being a part of the group (the teacher in the classroom) and also observing what is going on in the classroom. If researchers want to research first-handed, live observations information, ethnographics is a good method to use.  I will be able to use this method for my own purposes when I become a teacher.  If I find that my students are having a difficult time concentrating on an assignment, I can observe and try to use my data from the observations to make my lessons more interactive and more involved so that my students will have fun while doing the assignment, which will most likely produce better grades.  

Moreno's methodological approach is the Social Constructionist Perspective approach based on the fact that Moreno was very open minded and thought that various types of people from different cultures should use individuality when writing.  One answer is not right, but all different answers and way of writing is correct.  Moreno states, "I was interested in providing them with a safe space (however institutionalized) in which to explore the topics of race and ethnicity and to experiment with language, and I wanted to create an "oppositional" space within this traditional institution."   This proves that Moreno believes that one answer (the traditional way of writing) is not the only correct way.

The skills Moreno used in this study involved asking the bi cultural students questions about colleges and universities writing courses/assignments, listening to the student’s answers and comments, reading what the student’s wrote, and responding to the student’s comments/questions.  These skills helped conduct her research for the better by getting as much information as possible. 

In conclusion, Moreno discussed how race, ethnicity, culture, and language could affect the way bi cultural people learn in classrooms daily and that every individual should be able to write with individuality.  The research method used was ethnography and she used the Social Constructionist Perspective approach for the methodology.

1. Was the reason she killed the man was to show that women as well as men are able to do such horrid things?

2.  Was it that she wanted to make a point about men versus women?

3. Did the pharmacy ignore her reasoning as to why she was buying the poison because they knew she was going to use it to kill?  It says it the essay, "Finally they created a situation in which they became the criminals?"  If they knew the reason why she was buying the poison, why did they choose not to further question her?

4.  What kind of research method/methodologies were used?

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