Saturday, October 15, 2011


Messages =what someone says=1 person +1topic
Interactional units =2 speakers on same topic, conversation with two turns
Set  of interactional unit=conversation in same topics with multiple turns/interactions, something keep all messages relating to one topic
CH introduces new topic
Change in set of interactional unit
·         Defined by laughter
·         Direct statements that introduce new language, when wanted to move to another topic, made a statement 
Where does the conversation change focus? What marks those changes?                         Moved conversation forward by making statements

1.       Being an expert in games doesn’t count as being in expert in software                                                 -Ch       I wanted to talk a little, you  talk about your self as a hardware expert, you said software novice, although I bullied you into being competent, what software do you know how to use?
B          you know, what everyone else knows how to use, word, frontpage, powerpoint, excell, spreadsheet things  1 interactional unit
Ch        so it's interesting, games aren't really considered software are they?
B          they are -
Ch        so you know lots of software
B          yeah, but it's just games (laughter) ended unit, signal for end..laugh

2. relationships between games and software(about background)
Ch        so what kind of crossover did you find between learning the games and learning the software everyone needs to know?  Obviously it wasn't real hard for you to learn, frontpage (assertion)  new unit
B          I think it's because I had ah, background exposure
Ch        what background?
B          Well, just in learning how to learn a program, I just see buttons, tool tips and ah I make a go at it, the scissors mean I can cut in here, and I can just cut and drag and drop - these a simple things everyone knows, I guess the only reason I can pick up learning a program is that I just have that knack, no other way to explain it.

3.       Gaming as literacy, chandler introduced  topic, each case, interviewer introduced new topics (each linked)
Ch        that's literacy - you have the basic tools, the right basic set of assumptions for how to read, understand, interpret a program.  And so what I'm looking for is the connection between all the gaming experience you have and your ability to do that with the applications - the academic applications

4. He starts to talk about games in reference to what Ch is talking about, but does not talk exactly about what she is speaking about.  He makes a connection to what she is talking about to gaming.
B          well like a lot of games, in the beginning, there's menus.  You don't just start playing.  There's menus, you get to customize your decal your spray, clothes,
It's not all playing the game it's a lot of process to prepare for it, there's like box, scripts, you practice it, and you're not playing with other people, you're just like fooling around.
Ch        OK so all those things - same kinds of processes, same kinds of moves - so navigating menus is something you learned from games that can carry over - anything else?
B          I think that is the main thing, I can't connect a First person shooter with Microsoft word, that would be a real stretch
Ch        how about file systems and gaming spaces?
B          you know, you're right, because the game, the games are still software, and they're still files, so there are certain organization of a game that is different from regular files

5. Ch asks if playing games when little prepared for the future
Ch  - so what's another thing - so playing those games when you were a little kid set you up to be able to disentangle that DOS system more easily than your stepfather, so what were you doing?
B          like I was navigating through menus
Ch        you got used to trial and error
B          I wasn't being graded - there's no - all right man, let's pass this class you've got to
Ch        so you're completely comfortable with messing it up and starting over.
B          Oh yeah

6. Ch changes the conversation by stating an opinion
Ch        I think the print generation has a lot of hangups with that - what's something else
B          there's a song by Natasha Ben ? I hear it on the radio - it goes like, she says in her song, that we're taught not to make mistakes, we really can't live that way

Chandler directs the conversations; Chandler starts each interactional unit.  Besides Chandler setting up what to talk about, Brian did too.  For example:  Many times, Chandler asks a questions and Brian answers taking the lead of the conversation by giving different ideas.  

Not only does Chandler learn from Brian but Brian learns from Chandler as well.  Chandler learns about gaming and software from Brian.  Brian learns that he actually is good in software and gaming and that it is okay to make mistakes through trial and error.  He also learns that gaming is almost like literacy.

In this interview, Chandler takes control.  She introduces each interactional unit and asks most of the questions.


Ch        I wanted to talk a little, you  talk about yourself as a hardware expert, you said software novice, although I bullied you into being competent, what software do you know how to use?
B          you know, what everyone else knows how to use, word, FrontPage, PowerPoint, excel, spreadsheet things
Ch        so it's interesting, games aren't really considered software are they?
B          they are -
Ch        so you know lots of software
B          yeah, but it's just games (laughing)
Ch        so what kind of crossover did you find between learning the games and learning the software everyone needs to know?  Obviously it wasn't real hard for you to learn, frontpage
B          I think it's because I had ah, background exposure
Ch        what background?
B          Well, just in learning how to learn a program, I just see buttons, tool tips and ah I make a go at it, the scissors mean I can cut in here, and I can just cut and drag and drop - these a simple things everyone knows, I guess the only reason I can pick up learning a program is that I just have that knack, no other way to explain it.
Ch        that's literacy - you have the basic tools, the right basic set of assumptions for how to read, understand, interpret a program.  And so what I'm looking for is the connection between all the gaming experience you have and your ability to do that with the applications - the academic applications
B          well like a lot of games, in the beginning, there's menus.  You don't just start playing.  There's menus, you get to customize your decal your spray, clothes,
It's not all playing the game it's a lot of process to prepare for it, there's like box, scripts, you practice it, and you're not playing with other people, you're just like fooling around.
Ch        OK so all those things - same kinds of processes, same kinds of moves - so navigating menus is something you learned from games that can carry over - anything else?
B          I think that is the main thing, I can't connect a First person shooter with Microsoft word, that would be a real stretch
Ch        how about file systems and gaming spaces?
B          you know, you're right, because the game, the games are still software, and they're still files, so there are certain organization of a game that is different from regular files
Ch  - so what's another thing - so playing those games when you were a little kid set you up to be able to disentangle that DOS system more easily than your stepfather, so what were you doing?
B          like I was navigating through menus
Ch        you got used to trial and error
B          I wasn't being graded - there's no - all right man, let's pass this class you've got to
Ch        so you're completely comfortable with messing it up and starting over.
B          Oh yeah
Ch        I think the print generation has a lot of hangups with that - what's something else
B          there's a song by Natasha Ben ? I hear it on the radio - it goes like, she says in her song, that we're taught not to make mistakes, we really can't live that way

For this approach, there are three 'layers'.  

The first layer is a surface layer which is the physical presentation of the text and whatever is being interpreted. (What Brian thought about his gaming knowledge)

The second layer is a textbase layer which is what the text says. (Chandler and Brian talking about gaming and software as literacy and knowledge)

The third layer is the situational level which is a person's assumptions related the the text. (his gaming knowledge can be applied to software tasks)

Answers analysis can answer:
-how student grasps an idea
-what they know
-where student comes from

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